Winter 2014

A Commitment to Service Through Dedicated Leadership


Representing the interests and needs of constituents is the number one goal of legislators.  Legislators strengthen their ability to help citizens by convening to support one another as well as learn best practices for state legislation.  Several NBCSL members participate in other state legislative organizations that provide these opportunities.  Here, we highlight NBCSL members in leadership in other national membership organizations.

12-01-KelvinAtkinsonSenator Kelvin Atkinson (NV)

Elected National Vice Chair, Council of State Governments (CSG) 

As a member of the Nevada Senate, Senator Atkinson has introduced legislation creating jobs, supporting increased funding for education, and implementing foreclosure measures to keep people in their homes.  Senator Atkinson was elected National Vice Chair of The Council of State Governments (CSG), becoming the first African American in this position.  CSG serves all three branches of state government as a region-based forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape public policy. 

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12-02-TalmadgeBranchDelegate Talmadge Branch (MD)

Chair, National Caucus of Native American State Legislators (NCNASL)

Delegate Talmadge Branch has served in the Maryland Assembly for nearly 20 years.  Representing Baltimore, Delegate Branch has been committed to providing energy assistance to low-income residents, pension benefits to teachers and state employees, and using state resources to help communities.  Delegate Branch has been elected to serve a two-year term (2014 – 2016) as Chair of the National Caucus of Native American State Legislators (NCNASL).  NCNASL works to broaden awareness of state-tribal issues among policymakers and state legislatures. 

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12-03-LauraHallRepresentative Laura Hall (AL)

National President, National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women (N.O.B.E.L.)

Supporting equal pay, privacy protection, and access to healthcare are just a few of Representative Hall’s legislative priorities.  Representative Hall is currently serving her two-year term as National President of the National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women (NOBEL/Women).  NOBEL/Women is a national organization created to serve as a global voice to address various issues affecting the lives of all women.  Its membership boasts current and former Black women legislators and appointed officials. 

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12-04-HelenMillerRepresentative Helen Miller (IA)

Chair, Women in Government (WIG)

Representative Helen Miller has been committed to economic development in her district and in the state of Iowa since she began her tenure in the legislature.  She has particularly focused on economic development through the arts and authored legislation that resulted in a report on the impact of out-of-school arts programming.  Representative Miller serves as Chair of Women in Government, which provides women legislators, state agency representatives, and the public with educational opportunities on public policy issues.

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