Summer/Fall 2014

Building the Future … and our Youth


The act of policymaking can be tedious, illuminating, frustrating, and rewarding all at once. Over the past few years, we have seen where legislative activity in statehouses across the nation is many times colored by hyper-partisanship. Thankfully, there are still instances when legislators have crossed the aisles to work toward the goal of implementing laws for the good of everyone.

The most critical effect of any policy is its ability to influence the lives of future generations. In hindsight, many of us can identify specific legislation – some even implemented before we were born – that has influenced the current quality of our lives. Where we live, which school we can attend, whom we marry, how we make a living, and many other aspects of our lives have all been shaped by these policies.

Our young people represent what is possible, but their potential is determined in part by their current reality. In this issue of The Legislator, articles cover a range of topics related to the current status of American youth, including healthcare choices, voting trends, education, and professional opportunities. These articles outline how policymaking has the ability to determine how successful our youth will be as adults, and what the impacts will be both nationally and internationally.

Who our young people become, what they accomplish, and how they achieve their goals, are all factors that depend heavily on how we prepare them, and the world in which we live, for the future. As state legislators, let us remember the words of our 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, when he said “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.”

Let us strive to do both.

Signature TheEditorialTeam