Winter 2013

Resolutions For 2014: A Focus On Health

This is the time of the year when most of us take time to reflect on past activities and make plans for new ones. For many of us, this process involves pledging to improve our health. We resolve to eat better, exercise more, and live an overall more balanced life. Taking steps to improve our health, however, should not just be done around the holidays. It should be our focus year-round.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) promises to help all Americans make their health an annual priority by increasing access to health care and providing insurance coverage to over 32 million uninsured. Enrollment started this past October and implementation begins in 2014. Despite challenges that have emerged, the ACA remains our best domestic policy weapon to combat poor health outcomes and health disparities in our communities.

Throughout this issue of The Legislator, you will read various articles that highlight the ACA, its various provisions, and what to expect as it is implemented in states across the nation. Topics covered include potential next steps for states not expanding Medicaid, policies and programs to expect in the 2014 Legislative Sessions, and updates on the law from the Obama Administration. We also discuss the impact of tele-health in underserved communities, changes to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and innovations to address sickle cell and other blood disorders. Finally, in observation of World AIDS month, public policies to eliminate HIV/AIDS in the African-American community are also suggested. 

Seasons change and years go by, but the commitment to our overall health and well-being should remain the same. State lawmakers share this charge and must continuously look for new ways to advance legislation that truly improves the health of our communities.

Lauren E. Williams, MPA
Managing Editor